Joining the Circular Economy
through Sustainable
Manufacturin Practices

Mono material
(MDOPE) Packaging

We strive to minimize the
environmental footprint of plastic
waste through efficient recycling
methods and by promoting the usage
of mono-material packaging.

to a Circular

Recycle Plastic


Reduce Carbon

Revive the

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The detrimental impact of single-use plastics ending up in landfills, soils, and water resources calls for efficient recycling measures at every level of business.

Single-use plastics take centuries to decompose, releasing harmful chemicals that contaminate the environment and harm wildlife.

Additionally, they contribute to the infamous oceanic “garbage patches,” threatening marine ecosystems.

Recycling packaging materials is crucial as it reduces the demand for virgin resources, conserves energy, and minimizes pollution.

Embracing a circular economy, where materials are continuously recycled and reused, is vital for environmental sustainability.

By promoting recycling and adopting circular practices, we can
mitigate environmental damage, conserve resources, and pave
the way toward a cleaner, greener future.

Mono material packaging refers to packaging that is made
from a single type of material, rather than a combination of
different materials.

In traditional packaging, such as multi-layered or composite
packaging, different materials are combined to achieve
specific properties like strength, barrier properties, or flexibility.
In traditional packaging, such as multi-layered or composite
packaging, different materials are combined to achieve
specific properties like strength, barrier properties, or flexibility.

Galaxy Packing Industry specializes in making flexible
packaging from Mono-Directional Oriented Polyethylene
(MDOPE) film that addresses a range of packaging needs
across industries.

Advantages of Mono Material Film

Contributes to
environmental sustainability.

Easier to recycle and suitable
for multi-sided printing.

Higher recycling rates and
efficient use of resources.

Lower energy consumption
during manufacturing.

High tensile strength, barrier
properties, or flexibility.

Protects the products
and retains their quality.

Choose Recyclable Packaging for
Your Product Packaging.

Your choice is a contribution to a circular economy and
environmental sustainability.
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